arXiv/viXra - Baseline Models

Logistic Regression and Random Forest

Note: The Jupyter/Colab notebooks relevant to this post are here on my GitHub page. My pytorch_lightning implementation of a basic feed-forward network for one-hot encoded text (of which logistic regression is a limit) can be found here.

Starting Simple

There are advantages to starting a project by creating some simple models, rather than immediately diving in to more complicated ones:

Below I detail the results of applying logistic regression and a Random Forest to character-level, one-hot encoded arXiv/viXra title data.

Logistic Regression

The simplest version of a fully-connected model for text analysis is the following. After one-hot encoding the titles, all of which are padded or truncated to a fixed length, seq_len, each data point is a (seq_len, chars)-shaped tensor, with chars the number of unique characters used in the encoding (see the Data post). The resulting tensor can then be flattened into a vector There are various differences in the tensor/array conventions and terminology used in physics and ML. In particular, what physicists would call a D-dimensional vector \vec{v} whose components are v_{i} with a single index i\in\{0,\ldots, D-1\}, is often represented to in ML circles as a (1, D)- or (D, 1)-shaped tensor (in numpy/pytorch language) with a singleton dimension explicitly noted, meaning that they are really tensors of the form v_{ij} or v_{ji} with i as above and j\in\{0\}, strictly speaking (vectors which truly only have a single index can also be created, and are denoted as being (D, )-shaped, but these other options seems to appear more frequently). Tracking such information is important in ML for broadcasting purposes and it takes a little time to get used to, if coming from the more concise physics conventions. \vec{t}\in \mathbb{R}^{\texttt{seq\_len}\times \texttt{chars}} and probability that a given paper title \vec{t} is from viXra is finally modeled by Other conventions: \cdot is used both for matrix multiplication and dot products as in W\cdot \vec{x} or \vec{x}\cdot \vec{y}, while * represents element-wise multiplication, also known as the Hadamard product, (A* B)_{ij}\equiv A_{ij}\times B_{ij}. ML would benefit from greater use of the Einstein summation convention (implemented in pytorch by einsum! ) in which the usual summation symbol is left implicit in any tensor sums over indices, as the presence of repeated indices already implies the existence of a sum: \sum_{i,j}T_{abij}U_{cidje}\longrightarrow T_{abij}U_{cidje}. This is often (semi-)jokingly referred to as Einstein's greatest contribution to physics. The prevalence of Hadamard products in ML does make its use a bit more confusing in that context, however.

P(\vec{t}) = \sigma\left(\vec{W}\cdot\vec{t}+b\right) \ , \quad \sigma(x)\equiv \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}\ .

Above \vec{W}\in\mathbb{R}^{\texttt{seq\_len}\times \texttt{chars}} is simply another vector (the weights) and b is a scalar (the bias), both of which are to be tuned by minimizing the cross-entropy loss Given D data points belonging to C classes, respectively indexed by \alpha \in \{0,\ldots, D-1\} and i \in \{0,\ldots, C-1\}, and a model which assigns corresponding class probabilities to each example q_\alpha^i, the to-be-minimized empirical cross-entropy loss is H_{\rm empirical}(q)\propto -\sum_\alpha \ln q_\alpha^{i(\alpha)} where i(\alpha) is the true class-label for the \alpha-th data point. This metric is only sensitive to how poor a model's prediction for the true class label was, the distribution of probabilities for incorrect class labels being totally irrelevant.

H_{\rm empirical}(q) is an approximation to the cross-entropy loss H(p,q), H(p,q)\equiv -\sum_i p_i \ln q_i\ , for two distributions specified by p_i and q_i. In the present context the observed data points are assumed generated according to the p_i. Minimizing H_{\rm empirical}(q) by tuning the parameters which determine the q_\alpha^i is equvalent to minimizing the negative log-likelihood or empirically estimated KL-divergence (more commonly called the Relative Entropy in physics): D_{\rm KL}(P||Q)=-\sum_i p_i \ln \left(q_i/p_i\right).

D_{\rm KL}(P||Q) is often colloquially referred to as a distance-measure between two distributions, since it vanishes if p_i=q_i\ , \forall \ i and is positive otherwise, though it does not satisfy the other usual properties of distances. Instead, the KL-divergence is better thought of as the rate at which one will realize their error if they mistakenly model some process using probabilities q_i when in reality it is being generated according to probabilities p_i; see Jared Kaplan's notes for a nice discussion on this point.
, as usual.

This model, known as logistic regression, can only pick up on technical data in the text and not its semantics, since it has no means for efficiently learning about interactions between characters at different positions in the title. Nevertheless, it performs surprisingly well (to me, at least), achieving \approx 70\% accuracy on the validation set! For reference, humans guessing at also only guess titles sources correctly \approx 70\% of the time. The evolution of the confusion matrix throughout training is below (direct link here).

Because of the simplicity of the model, it is very easy to interpret. Every entry of \vec{W} corresponds to a single character at a single position in the text. A positive weight indicates that having that particular character at that specific position will push the prediction toward viXra, with the analogous result for negative values and arXiv.

In the images below are the five most-positive and most-negative characters by weight for the last character in all titles (left image), for characters averaged over all possible locations in a title (middle image), and, finally, characters in the first possible location in a title (right image). Since all titles were forced to be of the length seq_len = 128 with spaces inserted on the left as padding (when necessary), the last character in each sequence should be much more important Taking the mean over characters, I have also verified that the largest weights by magnitude correspond to positions near the end of titles, meaning those are the most informative locations, as one would expect. than the first character, and this is clearly borne out.

Values of the trained weight vector \vec{W} for various characters corresponding to the final character (left), the mean over all character positions (middle), and for the first character (right). The three signals are ordered by decreasing importance, as seen from their typical magnitudes.

The model has picked up on the fact that viXra papers are more likely to end with a period, exclamation point, or other punctuation marks, while arXiv papers are more likely to end with some numerical value or a dollar-sign (presumably due to LaTeX equation setting). Averaging over all positions, viXra papers are more likely to have commas anywhere while most of the top arXiv markers are again associated with LaTeX. These LaTeX signals will be a persistent theme. The below images inspect these findings in further detail.

dollar latex examples
Examples of titles which contain \$ and the relevant conditional probabilities. Empirically, a \$ in a title indicates a \sim 96\% chance that the paper is arXiv, but only \sim 2\% of all titles have a dollar-sign anywhere.
dollar latex examples
Examples of titles which end with ! and the relevant conditional probabilities. Empirically, a ! ending a title indicates a 89\% chance that the paper is viXra, but only a tiny fraction of all papers end with an exclamation point.

Finally, logistic regression has picked up on the fact that viXra papers tend to be shorter than arXiv ones, as indicated by the fact that they typically have more left-padding by blank spaces when forced to be of length seq_len = 128. In the figure below, the top plot shows the weights assigned to blank space summed from position zero in the sequence up to the position marked on the horizontal axis. The sum initially trends towards arXiv and flattens out position \sim 60 and then strongly reverses course towards viXra around positions \sim 75 and beyond. Correspondingly, titles whose non-trivial content starts somewhere before this latter dividing line have accumulated a bias towards arXiv, while those which start somewhat after this point are weighted towards viXra. Not coincidentally, the scales of these inflection points coincide with the mean start positions for arXiv and viXra titles, se the vertical lines in the plot show. The bottom plot demonstrates similar behavior for the average non-blank-space weights summed from the end of the sequence to a given position. In the next section, we will again see that character length is one of the primary predictors for a title's origin.

Weights for blank spaces, logistic regression.
Top plot: the cumulative sum of weights corresponding to all blank spaces, starting from position 0, described in more detail above. Bottom plot: the cumulative sum of the mean of all non-blank-space weights, starting from position 128. Since all titles end with non-blank characters, the sum is non-informative towards the end of the sequence. As the title length increases and one moves to the left of the plot, the sum increasingly indicates an arXiv paper.

Random Forest

I used a Random Forest In brief, a Random Forest classifier works by generating a large number of decision trees which are each trained using a randomly selected set of training examples and a randomly selected subset of data features. The conditions for generating a terminating leaf are controlled by various hyperparameters, such as the maximum depth of the tree or number of training examples remaining post-split. In a binary classification context, the Random Forest then makes a prediction for a new data point by passing it through all of the collected trees and taking a majority vote based on the various leaves the data point settles in. The random selection of data points and features for each tree and the averaging procedure at inference time are the key features which decorrelate trees and combat variance. as a second baseline model. In order to facilitate training, I also performed a modest amount of feature engineering such as computing the frequency with which various forms of punctuation appear in titles and the length of the title's longest word, resulting in 64 total features. See the figure below for the data distributions along some particular engineered feature-directions. The ultimate model (which only uses ten of the 64 features, discussed below) achieved approximately the same validation-set performance as logistic regression: \approx 70\% accuracy.

feature engineering for the random forest
A corner plot of a few features used by the Random Forest. mean_word_rank is the average rank of all words in each title, as computed from the ranks of how common each word is in the training set.

Sixty-four features is too many to be useful for a simple quick-and-dirty baseline. Apart from some quantitative benchmarks, one also wants a greater understanding of what features are important in distinguishing arXiv papers from viXra, and most of the 64 are not.

There exist two common methods for quantifying the importance of different features in a Random Forest:

The Gini-Impurity-based method has been criticized as overestimating the importance of features which allow for many possible choices of split-points. As done in the preceding link, this effect can be seen by adding a test-feature which consists solely of randomly generated numbers drawn from a simple Gaussian. Adding such a feature to the data and computing feature importances as above, the Gini method ranked this random feature as the 17th most-important feature, while permutation importance more-reasonably has it ranked dead-last: 65 of 65. See the plot of permutation-based importances below.

plot of all permutation based importances
The losses in accuracy when different feature dimensions are shuffled. Multiple shuffle-iterations are performed for each feature and the error bars come from the standard deviation across shuffles. Shuffling the random feature improves performance, presumably since it washes out the unwanted effects created by training on this uninformative column in the first place.

There are clearly many uninformative features. As a quick-and-dirty contraction of the model, I re-trained the Random Forest on the top-ten Reducing the number of features slightly increased the performance of the model. In general, one should also carefully consider the correlations between different features before winnowing down the elements which are fed into a Random Forest, but taking the top-ten was good-enough for present purposes. features per the above chart, resulting in the more-focused importances plot below. As found in the logistic regression model, many of the most-informative markers regarded the use of punctuation marks and the overall length of the title. Unlike logistic regression, the Random Forest also had access to how common the words in each title were ( mean_word_rank), which also carried significant meaning, as one might have suspected.

plot of all permutation based importances
Permutation-based importances for the ten most-important columns.

Lastly, it can be informative to get an inside-view of what is going on in the various trees which comprise a Random Forest. The dtreeviz package is a useful tool for this purpose. There exist methods for visualizing how groups of data or individual titles filter through the leaves of the tree. An example of the path that one of my own papers takes when traversing a single tree is below. A visualization of 500 validation-set samples being filtered into the leaves of the same tree is a bit more unwieldy, but can be found here.

dtreeviz visualization of a single paper prediction
An (incorrect) prediction-path for one of my papers ( Gauged Galileons From Branes) from one tree in the Random Forest, as visualized by dtreeviz. The yellow bars indicate the distribution of all twenty of my papers, while the orange arrow points to the statistics of Gauged Galileons From Branes and the black arrow marks the split-points.

Performance on My Papers

I, of course, have to check the model performance on my own papers (which are all arXiv), which I will do for each model in this series of posts.

The results aren't great for these baselines! Both models only classify half of my papers correctly. As seen in the figures below, there is a clear trend for longer titles to be predicted as arXiv and shorter ones as viXra, as expected from the above. This might be expected, given the lack of LaTeX and related technical markers in the titles of my papers.

logistic predictions
Probabilities that each of my titles are viXra, as predicted by the logistic regression model.
random forest predictions
Probabilities that each of my titles are viXra, as predicted by the Random Forest, as estimated by computing the mean prediction over all trees in the forest.


Thank you to the Distill team for making their article template publicly available. Discussions with Matt Malloy and Rami Vanguri for gaining an intuition for the various hyperparameters used in a Random Forest.

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Links to all posts in this series. Note: all code for this project can be found on my GitHub page.