Note: The Jupyter/Colab notebooks relevant to this post are
here on my GitHub page.
Mypytorch_lightning implementation of the simple RNNs considered in this post
can be
found here.
Sequential Information
A central limitation of the baseline models considered previously
is that they have no means of efficiently using the information inherent to the ordering of the text. For
one would expect that the logistic regression and random forest models would perform just about as well
Apart from some specific minor degradations, such as the weakening of the signal which arises when a title ends
in a punctuation mark (an uncommon, but strong, viXra signal).
if we were
to shuffle around the words in each title.
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are the basic architecture which attempts to capture the information in
relative ordering of inputs. I briefly review their properties below, some details of their implementation
pytorch, and examine their performance on the arXiv/viXra data and on my own
RNNs, Briefly
General Structure
RNNs are relevant when our input data forms an ordered series x_t,
t\in\{1,\ldots, \texttt{seq\_len}\}. In the context of arXiv/viXra, the x_t would
be (tensorial representations of) the individual characters or words in a title with t indexing
the position of
these elements in the title.
The inputs x_t are consumed sequentially and are used to update an internal state of the RNN,
h_t, a hidden or latent variable. The update step also takes into account the
form of the previous hidden state, h_{t-1}, and this pattern continues on and on such that
h_t contains information from all previous inputs and hidden states all the way back to the
The initial hidden state h_0 is often taken to be a tensor filled with zeros. This is the
default behaviorpytorch, for instance. However, it is generally beneficial in Machine
Learning to allow the model to figure out its own best parameters, when possible, and the best practice is
the initial state to a learnable parameter; see, e.g., Hinton's RNN presentation, slide 14.
It is easy enough to implement this in a pytorch model (minimal sketch):
class DynamicInitialHiddenRNN(nn.Module):
"""Adds a learnable initial hidden state to the vanilla torch RNN.
def __init__(self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int):
self.rnn = nn.RNN(input_size, hidden_size, batch_first=True)
# Initialize the hidden state randomly.
self.initial_hidden = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, hidden_size))
def forward(self, inputs: Tensor, hidden: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
if hidden is None:
hidden = self.initial_hidden
# Expand hidden to match batch size and ensure contiguous.
batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
hidden = hidden.expand(-1, batch_size, -1).contiguous()
output, hidden = self.rnn(inputs, hidden)
return output, hidden
h_0. This long chain of dependencies can create difficulties in training
For very long sequences of length-T, it is common to process the sequence in length-
n\ll T
chunks (with n determined by practical considerations), performing
backpropagation only over these subsequences and passing the resulting final hidden state h_n
to be used as the initial state for the next n terms. More specifically, the computational
graph is reset
after each sub-sequence via calls of the form
in pytorch, since memory constraints forbid performing backprop over the
full, length-
sequence. This procedure goes by the name of truncated backpropagation through time (TBPTT).
In pytorch_lightning TBPTT is performed automatically and there
is no need for manual .detach() calls if an
self.truncated_bptt_steps attribute is set for architecture
(a pl.LightningModule subclass), though I found the whole process somewhat
underdocumented. After every training step, plextracts
the hidden states
of the architecture and recursively
detaches them in the process. In my experience, getting TBPTT to function in the expected manner also
the tbptt_split_batch method with a custom implementation, as the
default seems to make some curious
The hidden states h_t are also the outputs of the entire network, one or more of which are then
used for further purposes. In the context of arXiv/viXra text classificaiton, the simplest use would be to take
the final hidden state h_{\texttt{seq\_len}}, which carries information about the entire
sequence, and feed this
into a fully connected layer and sigmoid function to predict the classification probabilities of a given title.
A Specific Architecture: Gated Recurrent Units
I used Gated Recurrent
Units (GRUs) as the recurrent layers
The other basic recurrent architectures which are commonly seen are so-called vanilla RNNs and long short-term
memory (LSTM) layers. Simple trials demonstrated that GRUs performed similarly well on arXiv/viXra
classification to LSTMs (both architectures faring better than vanilla RNNs, as expected), while training faster
and being more compact, as they only require one latent variable in contrast to the two needed for LSTMs. See nn.RNN,
nn.LSTM, and nn.GRU for the pytorch implementations of these architectures.
in the arXiv/viXra models. GRUs process an input
x_t via the following steps
All of the x_t are generally encoded in three-dimensional tensors shaped as in
(batch_size, seq_len, input_size), assuming a
pytorch, batch_first = True type
implementation (assumed throughout). E.g. for a
batch of 50 one-hot encoded text samples, each 100 characters long and which only use
lower case characters a-z, the x_t would be (50, 100, 26)
-shaped. Similarly, all of the h_t are ensconced in a
(b * num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)-shaped
output tensor where
hidden_size is the length of the hidden state vector,
is the number of stacked recurrent layers, and
b = 2 if bidirectional else 1
doubles the size of the hidden state if the architecture is also bidirectional; see below. The batch
are processed in parallel in the steps outlined below. Indices on x_t, h_t will generally be
suppressed, as in the above. I have also compressed the separate b_{iz} and b_{hz}
biases of the pytorchnn.GRU implementation into a single b_z vector for brevity
and similar for b_r.
Use x_t and the preceding hidden state h_{t-1} to determine what fraction
(element-wise) of
h_{t-1} to hold onto and include in the updated state h_{t}. The fraction
$z_t$ is
determined through the usual process of using weight-matrices (W), bias-vectors (b
), and a
sigmoid function \sigma(x)
z_t \equiv \sigma\left(W_{iz} \cdot x_t +W_{hz}\cdot h_{t-1} +b_z\right)\ ,
such that the updated state will be of the form h_t= z_t * h_{t-1}+\ldots
Use x_t and the preceding hidden state h_{t-1} to determine what new
information from x_t to include in the updated state h_{t}. This new data
is determined through a similar process of using weights, biases, and non-linearities, applied pointwise:
n_t \equiv \tanh\left(W_{in}\cdot x_t + b_{in} +r_t * \left(W_{hn}\cdot h_{t-1}+b_{hn}\right)\right)
where r_t is defined similarly to z_t
r_t \equiv \sigma\left(W_{ir} \cdot x_t +W_{hr}\cdot h_{t-1} +b_r\right)\ .
The fully updated hidden state is a weighted sum
This weighted-sum update step between h_t and h_{t-1} is one of the central
advantages of GRUs (and LSTMs) over the vanilla RNN architecture in which the update step
is instead of the form
h_t = \tanh\left(W_{ih}\cdot x_t +W_{hh}\cdot h_{t-1} + b_h\right). To see one reason why,
consider the limit in which the data has provided a very strong signal at some time-step t
with all later data points being relatively uninformative. In this case, the architecture would perform best
by holding onto the information in the current hidden state h_t, using its parameters to
maintain h_{t'}
\approx h_t for all t'\ge t. The GRU could accomplish this relatively easily by
ensuring the
pre-activations (arguments of \sigma) of the so-called update gate z_t are
large and positive, such that z_t\approx {\bf 1} is nearly the identity and thereby
propagating forward the current hidden state relatively unscathed: h_{t}\approx h_{t-1}.
Accomplishing the same means in the vanilla RNN
much more difficult, as one would
need to choose the weights and biases such that h_{t} = \tanh\left(W_{ih}\cdot x_t
+W_{hh}\cdot h_{t-1} + b_h\right)\approx h_{t-1} which is a far-tougher balancing act. In
particular, even if one made the optimistic assumptions that the architecture could learn to push the weights
and biases into the
regime in which \tanh is approximately linear and the \sim W_{ih}, b_h
terms contribute negligibly, such that h_t \approx W_{hh}\cdot h_{t-1}, then achieving the
desired goal would still require carefully tuning W_{hh}
so that it nearly acts on h_{t-1} as the identity. And even if this were accomplished so that
hidden states at neighboring time-steps were approximately equal, states separated by n
time-steps still diverge exponentially, scaling like the largest eigenvalue of W_{hh} (
\lambda_{\rm max}) to the
n-th power: h_{t+n}\sim \lambda_{\rm max}^n h_t. This type of scaling is a general
problem for RNNs, regardless of whether they are attempting to hold onto the current hidden state, known as the vanishing and
exploding gradient problem. The weighted-sum update step of the GRU helps ameliorate this issue, though
it does not resolve it entirely.
of the previous hidden
state h_{t-1} and the
new information n_t:
h_t = (1 - z_t)* n_t + z_t * h_{t-1}
The weights W and biases b are the learnable parameters of the
model. The set of h_t's for allt form the output of the GRU.
Bells and Whistles: More Layers and Directions
Finally, one could increase the depth of the RNN architecture by stacking multiple such
layers and could also process the inputs x_t in both the forward and backwards directions,
resulting in a bidirectional architecture.
Both features are essentially what they sound like, though the details are important.
Stacking M RNNs leads to multiple hidden states: h_t \longrightarrow h_t^i,
i \in\{0, \ldots, N-1\}, one per layer. While the x_t are still the inputs for
the first
i=0 layer, subsequent layers with i>0 process the hidden state of the
preceding layer (h^{i-1}_t) as their input. The outputs of the stacked RNN are the hidden
states of the final layer across all time-steps: h^{N-1}_t
Bidirectional RNNs process the inputs forwards and backwards, with independent weights and biases used for each
pass. This is desirable in contexts such as arXiv/viXra classification, since the passes in the two directions
capture different contextual information. In pytorch, the outputs of a
bidirectional architecture come from concatenating the
hidden states of the two passes together
I found the concatenation step a little under-documented. Theoutput tensor
(batch_size, seq_len, 2 * hidden_size)-shaped, but it is not clear from the
what the entry at time-step t
(output[:, t]) corresponds to, precisely. Presumably (and
correctly), the first half of the output (output[:, t, :hidden_size]) is
the hidden state generated after stepping through the first
t inputs
(x[:, :t]) in the
forward direction. But do the entries output[:, t, hidden_size:]
the backwards direction
arise from stepping backwards through the final
t entries of the input or through all entries from the end of the sequence
all the way back to entry t? x[:, -t:]
x[:, t:]?
The answer is the latter: output[:, t] contains information from
t input entries in the forwards direction and the final seq_len - t entries in the backwards direction. One can ask similar questions
regarding the
hidden tensor returned by the RNN and, thankfully, these are what one would
expect: they are the final hidden states which arise from a forward pass and a backward pass, concatenated
into a
(2, seq_len, hidden_size)-shaped tensor. These statements can be
verified (following this
nice post) by creating a bidirectional RNN, two single-direction RNNs which have their weights tied to
the bidirectional one, and comparing theoutput
andhidden tensors of each as they run through a sequence in the relevant
# Create three simple GRUs, one of which is bi-directional.
forward_gru = nn.GRU(input_size=1, hidden_size=1, batch_first=True)
backward_gru = nn.GRU(input_size=1, hidden_size=1, batch_first=True)
bi_gru = nn.GRU(input_size=1, hidden_size=1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)
# Tie their weights together.
for name, p in forward_gru.named_parameters():
getattr(forward_gru, name).data = getattr(bi_gru, name).data
getattr(backward_gru, name).data = getattr(bi_gru, name + '_reverse').data
# Pass inputs and reversed inputs as relevant into the RNNs.
rand_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 1)
rand_input_flip = rand_input.flip(1)
forward_gru_output, forward_gru_hidden = forward_gru(rand_input)
backward_gru_output, backward_gru_hidden = backward_gru(rand_input_flip)
backward_gru_output_flip = backward_gru_output.flip(1)
bi_gru_output, bi_gru_hidden = bi_gru(rand_input)
# The below vanishes.
forward_backward_output =, backward_gru_output_flip), dim=-1)
output_difference = forward_backward_output - bi_gru_output
torch.testing.assert_close(output_difference, torch.zeros_like(output_difference))
forward_backward_hidden =, backward_gru_hidden), dim=0)
hidden_difference = forward_backward_hidden - bi_gru_hidden
torch.testing.assert_close(hidden_difference, torch.zeros_like(hidden_difference))
Importantly, this means that if we wanted to use the hidden states which contain information from having seen
entire sequence in both directions, we would need to extract
output[:, -1, :hidden_size] and
output[:, 0, hidden_size:], not simply the final entry
output[:, -1].
RNNs for arXiv/viXra
Sticking to the theme of starting simple, I analyze the performance of single-layer, uni-directional GRUs on
arXiv/viXra title data
Experiments with additional layers and bidirectionality only led to modest improvements upon the results
reported below.
Character- or Word-Level?
One needs to decide how exactly to encode the text as a series of tensors x_t. The natural
are as follows:
One-Hot Encode: The simplest option is to let each time-step correspond to a single character and
represent each such character as a vector pointing in some cardinal direction
That is, if we index each of the possible C, say, characters by an integer c \in \{0,
\ldots, C-1\}, then denoting the character appearing at time-step t by c_t
, one-hot-encoding corresponds to taking x_t^i = \delta^i_{c_t} with i
the vector index. The x_t are then
(batch_size, seq_len, C)-shaped.
pytorch has a built-in F.one_hot method for one-hot encoding text given an chars tensor holding
character indices, but it's a nice exercise in using vectorized code to figure out how one would perform the
encoding manually.
When chars is a simple one-dimensional,
(seq_len, )-shaped vector such that
chars[t] corresponds to the character index at the t-th position in the text, then the associated
one_hot tensor of shape
(seq_len, C) can be generated by creating a zero-tensor of this same shape
and then inserting ones at all appropriate locations, as in:
# Use a random character sequence.
chars = torch.randint(C, (seq_len, ))
one_hot = torch.zeros(*chars.shape, C)
one_hot[torch.arange(*chars.shape), chars] = 1.
When chars instead has a batch dimension and is of shape
(batch_size, seq_len), such that
chars[b, t] corresponds to the character index at the t-th position in the text in the b-th
document in the batch, one can instead use the .scatter_ method
to insert ones into the appropriately shaped zero tensor
in a vectorized manner:
# Use a random character sequence.
chars = torch.randint(C, (batch_size, seq_len))
one_hot = torch.zeros(*chars.shape, C)
one_hot.scatter_(dim=-1, index=chars.unsqueeze(-1), src=torch.ones_like(one_hot))
which is essentially what F.one_hot is doing under the hood.
Embeddings: Alternatively, one could let each time-step correspond to a single word
Or other series of characters separated from others by white space, per the details of text-normalization. We
will refer to them all as "words", for simplicity.
in the text. There are commonly V\sim \mathcal{O}(10 ^5) or more unique words in
corpus' vocabulary, as opposed to C\sim \mathcal{O}(10 ^2) characters, making a one-hot
infeasible. Instead, we can assign each word to a vector living in some
embedding_dim\ll V-sized vector space, with the components of each vector
randomly initialized. The vector components are learnable parameters which mutate upon training.
I use both options. For embeddings, there are various choices to make. One has to choose both the dimension of
the embedding space
The embeddings are stored in a (V, embedding_dim)-shaped matrix E
Empirically, choosing embedding_dim\sim \mathcal{O}(10^2) apparently works well on most NLP tasks and choosing a dimension much
than this only has a weak effect on performance, if any. There has been progress in understanding this finding
on a theoretical level by analyzing the so-called Parwise Inner Product (PIP) loss which is the
norm of the difference between the inner-products along the embedding_dim
-sized dimension of two differnent embedding matrices:
{\rm Loss} = || E_1 \cdot E_1^T - E_2 \cdot E_2^T||
This loss is a measure of the inherent similarity between the two embeddings since, for instance, if E_1
and E_2 only differed by a rotation in the embedding space, then the loss would
vanish. The referenced paper
finds a bias-variance decomposition for the loss between the ideal ("oracle") embedding matrix, E
, and a estimator thereof, \hat{E}, and demonstrates how these contributions grow and
shrink as
the embedding_dim of \hat{E} varies with respect to that of
, denoted by embedding_dim, and one might also choose to only work
a subset of the vocabulary, as the vast majority of the words in a corpus are captured in a tiny fraction of the
vocabulary, a general phenomenon known as Zipf's law. See the plot below. I set
embedding_dim = 256 and work
with the whole
V\sim \mathcal{O}(2 \times 10 ^4)-sized vocabulary for arXiv/viXra titles.
One might excise rare words from the vocabulary, replacing all such outside-of-vocab words with
<UNK>, a special token. This plot demonstrates the fraction of all words
in arXiv/viXra titles that would be replaced by <UNK> (y-axis) if we were
to remove various fractions of the total vocabulary size, rarest words first (x-axis). For instance, cutting the
vocabulary size in half would only affect \sim5\% of all words in all titles. The different
points come from discarding all words in in the vocabulary which appear fewer than
min_word_count times in the training data.
Architecture Details
The recurrent models are all fairly simple: the GRU consumes the one-hot-encoded or embedded text as inputs and
the ensuing hidden states (which are optionally first passed through a dropout layer) are fed into a
single fully-connected layer to predict a single number, the
probability that a given title comes from a viXra paper. I use
hidden_size = 512 for all models.
The python code for the relevant
subclasses can be
found in the arxiv_vixra_models package. The code also accommodates the
additional bells and whistles listed above and further features not detailed here.
An important choice is precisely what data from the GRU hidden states is passed to the feed-forward layers. While
we could pass in only the hidden state from the final time step, since that is the unique state which has seen the
entire title text, this choice poses the risk of missing out on important information that may have appeared early
on in the title but which has faded out of the hidden state with time. So, instead of passing in this final
time-step (output[:, -1]), one might instead use the maximum across all time
for each hidden_size dimension
(output.max(dim=1)), the similar mean across all time-steps
(output.mean(dim=1)), or even concatenate
all three options together, as suggested in the ULMFiT paper.
Why be so rigid in choosing which portions of the hidden state to pass to the feed-forward network? Why not
allow the architecture to dynamically choose which parts of the text to focus on by, say, using more
finely-weighted averages of the different time-steps? Such an idea is a simple version of an attention
mechanism, which will be explored in a later post.
The arxiv_vixra_models code accommodates each of these options and empirically
the max option tended to perform best, though difference between the strategies
were not large.
Performance and Interpretation
Validation Set
The one-hot and embedding-space recurrent architectures both achieved \approx 83\% accuracy on
the validation
data, which is significantly better than the \mathcal{O}(70\%)
peformance of the simple baseline models discussed previously. Of
the two models,
the embedding-space architecture performed very slightly better. The ROC curve
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves plot the true-positive-rate (often called
precision) on the y-axis and false-positive-rate on the x-axis as the threshold for what constitutes a
positive prediction is varied. (In the context of arXiv/viXra, P({\rm pred. =
viXra}|{\rm source =viXra}) is the vertical and P({\rm pred. =
viXra}|{\rm source =arXiv}) is the horizontal.) By threshold, I am referring to the fact that
classification models are assigning a score to every example and this score is used to set the
boundary. In the canonical case, the score is given by the logits and one usually declares that positive and
negative logits correspond to a positive and negative predictions, respectively, but one could also consider
moving this boundary away from zero. As the threshold is varied, the relative true- and
false-positive-rates change, generating the below curve. The top-right corner corresponds to sending the
threshold to -\infty (classifying all
positive cases correctly, but also generating many false-positives) and the bottom-left corner is the opposite
Denoting the abstract score assigned to an example by s, the positive and negative
examples belong to separate distributions, \rho_1(s) and \rho_0(s),
respectively. The area under the curve (AUC) has a lovely, precise meaning: it is the probability that the score
the model assigns to a randomly chosen positive
example will be higher than that of a randomly chosen negative example,
{\rm AUC} = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{\rm d} s_1{\rm d} s_0\,\theta(s_1 - s_0) \rho_1(s_1)\rho_0(s_0)= P[S_1 \ge
S_0]\ .
for the embedding model can be found below. A disadvantage of the present architectures relative to
the baseline models, however, is that they are much more opaque. What, exactly, is
the recurrent architecture picking up on that was missed by the simple baselines?
The ROC curve for the best-performing embedding model. AUC is, roughly, a measure of how well-separated the
distributions of arXiv and viXra papers are, as generated by the model.
The simplicity of the present models allows us to see a glimpse of what is going on, though it is hard to draw any
very precise conclusions. In particular, the single number that our model predicts (the probability that a
given title is from a viXra paper) arises from a dot-product between the final dimension of the relevant
components of the GRU
output tensor and an appropriately shaped vector. For example, if we only feed
the hidden states from the final GRU time-step into the fully connected layer,
then this (batch_size, 512)-shaped tensor is turned into logits by taking a dot
product with a (1, 512)-shaped
weight vectorw and adding the scalar bias
b to the result.
This means that by re-scaling the GRU hidden states by the appropriate weights and biases, we can get a direct
view of the logits
More precisely, if output is
(batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size)-shaped hidden state tensor of the GRU
model, wherehidden_size = 512, then the
plot below shows a handful of entries along the
batch_size dimension of
logits_output for a particular slice of neurons along
the hidden_size dimension with
logits_output defined as in (sketch):
w, b = model.weight, model.bias
logits_output = output * w + b / output.shape[-1]
When the model uses only the final time-slice to
make viXra-probability predictions, as in thtensor could be computed ase plot below,
is related to the (batch_size, )-shaped
probs probability tensor via
last_step_logits = logits_output.sum(dim=-1)[:, -1]
probs = last_step_logits.sigmoid()
While other strategies perform better, the case where one makes predictions based on the final
hidden time step is easiest to interpret. The below plot shows how various, re-scaled hidden-state neurons of one
such model are pushed towards a viXra signal (light) or arXiv signal (dark) as they step through three
titles from my papers. The logits in each case would come from summing up the final (rightmost) column and adding
this to the similar sum of neurons not shown in the plot.
A plot of various hidden-state neurons re-scaled by appropriate weight and bias factors as they evolve upon
seeing a few of my titles (which were not included in the training data). The displayed neurons are the same
in all plots and were chosen for having relatively large magnitudes in their final-time-step (right end of
plot). The common, learned initial-hidden state can be seen on the far left of each figure.
Though the evolution in the model's prediction can be clearly seen in each case, it's difficult to interpret
what any individual neuron is looking for (nor should such human-interpretable behavior be expected). There
are some intriguing signs, but most seem to fall apart under scrutiny. For instance, the bright streak in the top
image could plausibly be attuned to
title length as its viXra signal grows as it sees more and more padding and terminates in a moderate viXra-leaning
signal for this very short title. However, these same neurons terminate in a slightly arXiv-leaning signal for the
similarly-short middle example and in the final image the neuron whiplashes back and forth upon encountering text
and terminates in a moderate viXra signal for this much-longer title. Inconclusive.
My Papers
Finally, I examine the architecture's performance on my own papers. These models performed much better than the
baselines when predicting the source of my
own papers,
thankfully, classifying 17- and 18-out-of-20 correctly for the word-embedding and one-hot models,
respectively. See the figures below.
Probabilities that each of my titles are viXra, as predicted by the one-hot GRU model.
Probabilities that each of my titles are viXra, as predicted by the word-embedding GRU model.
It is hard to find a better introduction to RNNs than lectures 6,
7, and 8 of Stanford's CS224N NLP course (2019) by Abigail See. Abigail covers multiple
architectures and the intuition behind them, their history, practical tips, and more in an extremely
entertaining and concise fashion; amazing work.
I avoided using the standard pictorial representation of RNNs, as they can be very confusing to follow, but an
extremely nice explanation using diagrams can be found here in this blog post by Chris Olah.
All Project Posts
Links to all posts in this series.
Note: all code for this project can be found on my GitHub page.